Dubai Seminar Recap – 06/02/2024

Last month, Hoxton Capital Management hosted an exclusive seminar at the Avani+ Palm View Dubai Hotel & Suites, offering attendees valuable insights into tax and wealth planning. The event, led by Hoxton’s experts, Mark Routen, Matthew Tailford, and Daniel Abbott, covered a range of topics, including inheritance tax mitigation, capital gains tax strategies, navigating property investments in the UK versus the UAE, and crafting a robust retirement plan as a UAE resident.

The seminar began with Mark Routen, Head of Tax at Hoxton, sharing his extensive 30 years of tax experience, offering key insights into the complexities of property investments in both the UK and the UAE. His expertise, gained from working with major accounting firms and founding his own company, focused on expat tax planning, especially in India and Hong Kong.

Matthew Tailford, Commercial Director, brought his over 20 years of experience in the financial services industry to guide UAE residents on crafting a robust retirement plan. He discussed existing provisions, pension contributions, and changes to the UK lifetime allowance, providing attendees with essential knowledge to make informed decisions about their financial futures.

Daniel Abbott, a qualified and regulated Financial Planner, rounded off the seminar by demystifying self-assessment returns and tax optimisation. With a background in accounting and finance, Daniel shared proven methods to navigate the self-assessment process seamlessly, optimise tax obligations, and avoid common pitfalls.

The evening also introduced the Hoxton Wealth App, a revolutionary global wealth management application designed to simplify multi-currency complexities and consolidate diverse investments into one intuitive platform. Attendees learned about its features, including multi-currency tracking, retirement goal modeling, and a secure document vault.

The seminar’s focus on practical wealth management strategies resonated with the audience, and the event concluded with a Q&A session. Attendees left with a better understanding of UK tax implications while living overseas, armed with insights to navigate their financial landscapes effectively.

Stay tuned for details on our upcoming events and seminars.


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