
The intrinsic connection between health and wealth

It is no secret that health and wealth are linked. Having poor health can put someone in a position that means they have less work capacity and take more time off. Inversely, having a low income often negatively impacts someone’s health.

The clearest example of this is the data for life expectancy in the UK. The poorest towns in the UK have an average of 12 fewer years of good health than the richest towns, double the amount of hospital admissions due to self-harm and 75% more hospital admissions due to alcohol abuse. On top of this they also have twice the rate of lung cancer and double the rates of child obesity. This difference has been highlighted further by the pandemic, which has disproportionally impacted people with bad health and therefore, lower income areas.

The importance of good health hasn’t been as obvious as it is today for a long time, not just physical health but mental health as well. As a business that is built around pensions and retirement planning, we are well equipped to help people plan for their later years financially. However, no matter how good our planning is, if they don’t have the health to enjoy those years, that is out of our control. Being a company that like to provide solutions to problems, not just commentary on them, we wanted to have a solution to this problem too. No, we are not turning into Hoxton personal trainers or in any way deviating from what we specialise in, but we sought out and partnered with a company that does specialise in health and wellbeing.

After the tumultuous year everyone has had, with lockdowns, working from home, travel restrictions and worry due to uncertainty of the future, we engaged with the JG group in an effort to improve physical and mental health throughout our company.

What have the results been?

The results have been notable to say the least. We have experienced a 63% decrease in staff off work due to illness and a dramatic 71% increase in productive activity amongst Hoxton employees. The program came in 2 main parts:

JG Physique, which provided a fitness program to staff via an app which scheduled workouts over a 3-month period. The app provides track-ability, routine and the ability for JG to hold individuals accountable for their discipline, or lack thereof.  The result of this program has been that staff are physically fitter and more active than before. Many people had remarkable results, losing as much as 10kg in 3 months.  

JG Wellbeing caters for the non-physical aspects of health by promoting mindfulness and consulting on areas such as sleep improvement. They provide up to twice weekly webinars and presentations that give guidance on key areas of self-care.

Overall the success we have had with this as a company and as individuals has been invaluable. As a service business, maintaining enthusiastic employees is an essential part of upholding high levels of service for clients. Our business is highly trackable, and the data is clear, incorporating the health program has increased our output significantly.

So, whilst we can help with the wealth side of things, for anyone interested in working on their health side of things or managers and business owners who want to offer a health solution to their team or organization, we would have no hesitation recommending JG as a solution.


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Hoxton Capital

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